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  • Writer's pictureYehoshua

I'm A MIRACLE OF GOD with seven fingers!

Updated: Aug 15

Everyone embarks on a journey filled with ups and downs, and when these experiences are harmoniously woven together, they create a beautiful melody called life. The irony lies in the fact that the only person capable of limiting you from fully living is yourself. If you were to ask Joshua about his life, he might describe it as challenging but ultimately prosperous up until 2014. After that point, it took a turn for the worse but eventually became highly prosperous.

In 2014, Joshua encountered a life-altering incident when he was involved in a train accident, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down due to a D12 - L1 Complete Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Consequently, he lost all sensations and functions from the waist down. In addition to the SCI, he also had three fingers of his left hand amputated as they were crushed in the accident.

At times, life can push you to your limits, press you down, and confront you with daunting challenges. How you respond to these adversities depends on three crucial factors: hope, inspiration, and purpose.

- Who serves as your beacon of hope when all seems lost? - Who inspires you to lead a fulfilling life? - Who instills purpose in your existence?

These three factors, with their respective questions, ultimately lead to one name, and that name is Jesus Christ.

Had Joshua allowed his disability to overpower his mind, he might have felt purposeless. However, he discovered his purpose in Jesus Christ, who empowered him to become more than a conqueror. This transformation enabled Joshua to have a new life filled with hope, dreams, belief, and the celebration of the gift of grace.

Today, Joshua is an accomplished author, communicator, counselor, evangelist, motivational speaker, and singer-songwriter.

We know the saying - "Rome was not built in a day"

And so, is Joshua's life! It was not built in a day, and it was certainly not orchestrated by a human. He didn't become who he is today, the day he was born, but it was a process. A process that was dark and painful, but again - "Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever." (Psalm 125:1).

Trust the unlimited God even when nothing makes sense to our limited minds!

That's exactly what Joshua did, all through his life! He trusted God at every point, even when the customs and culture around him changed! He trusted God, wholly!

And this is the life journey of Joshua, based on unwavering trust and faith in Jesus, and a testimony to His faithfulness and unconditional love!

Born on 11 January 1996, Joshua's own paternal family plundered his family, stripping them of the things that should be legally and rightfully theirs. And that was the beginning of a journey through the wilderness. Now without a shelter of their own, Joshua was moving along with his family from one place to another for basic human needs such as food and shelter. As his mother was the only constant earner in the family, it started becoming a tug-of-war for the fulfilment of needs, causing debts to pile up and that caused another tide to rise as they had to move around hiding from creditors who were threatening to harm them. Fear and worries of an uncertain future gripped Joshua right from age 6.

Besides lacking basic human needs, Joshua used to get hit every year with diseases that were challenging both, his health and academic progress —

Chickenpox in Grade 2, Mumps in Grade 3, Measles in Grade 4, Victim of the great Mumbai flood in Grade 5, Scabies in Grade 6 and then his life took a major turn into the darkest lane when a pastor tricked Joshua's parents to put Joshua into a boarding school. A school, which the pastor claimed to have the lowest schooling fee with additional concession on pastoral references. But everything was contrary to the claims of the pastor.

At the age of 11, a child is supposed to be nurtured well, with proper attention and care by the elders around, but Joshua was struggling with many things and the phase that left a permanent scar in his life was the second year in the boarding school. It was in Grade 7 when he was sexually exploited and raped by a couple of seniors in the boarding school in addition, His cousin introduced him to the world of sensuality, which led him to the darkest lane, forcing him to have thoughts and desires that were sinful in the eyes of the Lord.

“This is my personal experience from this phase. I needed no counsellors or priests of this world to lead or guide me but Jesus alone, who truly is "... A Wonderful Counselor, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). I can testify this out of my own experience. It was Jesus' counselling that led me past the trauma that disturbed my peace and thoughts and put some good years of childhood into darkness and it was the true guidance of the Holy Spirit which led me away from that darkest lane.”

Joshua did his schooling in a boarding school for two years (Grade 6 & Grade 7). Now his parents didn't know anything about the things that had happened to him, but looking at the school fees in pending and realising they cannot afford it any longer, they decided to take him off the boarding school. But with the school fee still to be paid, the school authorities refused to give him the L.C. (Leaving Certificate), which gave rise to the next big storm. He couldn't attend school the following year as no schools were ready to take him in without proper documentation. Besides, a school even kicked him out in 6 months, because his certificate wasn't submitted in the promised time.

“I still remember when that school kicked me out, I started attending private classes and every time people from the locality used to ask me why am I staying at home, I used to lie to them. I used to tell them that I attend an international school and students don't need to attend classes every day in such schools, which kind of gave me a good reputation in the locality as nobody in my place had ever been to an international school in those days. Well, it's a weird situation and quite funny when you think about it!”

Now being at home, unable to go to school, and pending dues led Joshua to a decision which made one of the big differences in his walk of faith. Joshua decided to fast and pray over this entire situation, being confident that God will never leave His children alone, mid-way in this journey of life. At age 13, Joshua fasted for 40 days, for the first time. And it so happened that right after his fasting period, the obstacles that disturbed his academic progress were removed! God spoke into the hearts of people and they started coming forward voluntarily to help him out.

“It's much easier to remember the detail of a miracle than a journey that led to it. I don't remember if it was in the same week or the following week, but what I clearly remember is that it was right after the 40 days of fasting, that I started receiving phone calls from people, who simply came forward and offered help. People, to whom I've never asked for help! It's quite a beautiful thing to know that God hears our prayers, More beautiful thing to know that He cares for us, considers our prayers and He then answers our prayers. Sometimes a yes, sometimes a no, but God does answer prayers and even His answers are wonderful blessings in their own way! But, what I found to be the most beautiful thing is that most of the time God answers our prayers through people. That's us! We are, more often than not, answers to people's prayers – which really encouraged me and led me to a decision that I'll not just pray for people but I'll also be prayerful over myself so that I can also be a blessing to people, a God-sent answer to people's prayers!”

Despite paying the fees, and having all the required documents, his parents couldn't find any school that would allow him straight into Grade 9. The reason was Joshua completed his Grade 8 academic syllabus in private tuition, which for them wasn't valid enough and so Joshua had to continue another year in the same manner and continued attending private classes.

Now the following year was something called the board examination, i.e., Grade 10, which is quite important for a student in India. The Grade 10 results are kind of like the gateway to Grade 11 or otherwise called Junior College! And things were getting much more complicated as time ticked by, as they have academic documents which showed Joshua's progress up until Grade 7 and 2 years of transcripts of private classes which were considered unofficial! Everything was becoming quite messy but then it happened that a school, before the commencement of its new academic year, received Joshua's application and on the terms of having to pay additional donations, his academic documents were accepted by the school.

“Two years of mess and anxiety was cleared up in just a couple of weeks.” It was such a relief, in fact, it was a celebration at home! We were so happy as if I already graduated. To be able to go to school again, was just another prayer which my Lord graciously answered!

The dues cleared, being able to attend school, no physical illness!

Now right when life was becoming somewhat normal for Joshua, things took another turn to one of the most unexpected events of his life. Two weeks before the Grade 10th Final Examination, on February 2011, His house caught fire. Though it's suspected that there might have been a short-circuit in the electrical lines within the house which caused the fire, but the actual cause of the fire is still unknown. Nobody was at home when the fire broke out. Their apartment neighbours and security guard informed them when the smoke began coming through doors and windows. And by the time they reached home, almost everything was turned into ash. The furniture was turned to ashes, clothes in the wardrobe were rendered useless because of smoke, and most of the household items were out of shape due to heat! The walls, the ceiling – were pitch black and it all looked as if there had been an explosion!

Now in all these, one of the important things that were affected by the fire was some of Joshua's books and His family's state of mind. In addition, the landlord asked them to look for a new rental apartment. They didn't know what to do and where to go! But the light can only shine in the darkness! Joshua did appear for the exams, though he wasn't prepared and he went on to become the top rank holder of that academic year of his school, by just scoring 73.45%.

Miracle is always a victory. A victory that God gives us. It could be at our home, church, at the workplace or even in our personal life but a miracle is always a victory - A victory over things and situations that tried to divert our attention from God and tried to divert our path off of God's promises!”

Next step - Grade 11, i.e., Junior College! Well, That's another little story – During the admissions, his admission application form was put aside because he was a Christian and he filled in a Muslim minority form. He wasn't aware of the nature of the form and he was supposed to fill out another form. But, later on, he got his place in the same college using the same admission form which was initially rejected!

My life has been a series of unending miracles, which didn't just display God's power, but also His unending love and mercy towards me. I'm just Grateful!

Now the following year, was another important academic year - Grade 12, i.e., HSC Board Examination. Now this time, it wasn't fire that disturbed the course of his academic progress like during the 10th Board Examinations, but it was much worse. This phase was different yet critical!

Joshua was the captain of his college football team, and in the month of December 2012, His college team was sent to participate in a one-day rink football tournament. After the tournament, as he was travelling back home, he felt very weak and drowsy. Somehow he reached home and decided to opt out of the following day's full-night cottage prayer meeting! Later that night, around 10 p.m., he vomited, took some medications which his mother gave him, and he went to bed. Early in the morning, around 4 a.m., he woke up vomited again, took some meds and went to bed. Now later when he woke up in the morning, his whole body was turned yellow and he was drained and exhausted! Joshua was rushed to the diagnostic centre and from there, to the hospital. Though he was fit enough to play an outdoor sports tournament there were no signs of Jaundice previously, but it was certain by now, that He was suffering from Jaundice. More tests were conducted to know the in-depth diagnosis of the condition. The test reports stated that Joshua was down with high jaundice, swollen liver, and swollen bladder and there were excessive fluids in his stomach. No medications were working on him and his state of being was growing worse with each passing day.

My situation was so critical that every night, before going to sleep, I used to tell my mum, “Kiss me goodnight, tomorrow I may not be with you!”

Now, in the second week in the hospital, there was a moment of wonder! One night as Joshua was praying, Jesus came to his room and he had his first personal encounter with Jesus, where he took certain decisions, and that was yet another life-changing moment for him.

It was a moment of awe and wonder! The Lord came to me and said, “Remain in Me and I will heal you!” What more do I need? The creator of the universe and the one who sustains all things, both living and nonliving, has now come to me, at a moment, when I had nothing to offer, except my questions, fear and brokenness! Jesus came to me personally and gave me that very word that no one else could utter! I was relieved and I was at peace!
How true it is what Bible states about Jesus – “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among mankind by which we must be saved.” - (Acts 4:12)

Miracle! The disease left him in the following week, but he was weak to study or to even appear for the 12 board examinations. But his mother, encouraged him, saying "The Lord will lead you through". And He went and overcame again. He passed the board exams with 42.66%.

I was certain that I won't live much longer. I could feel death lurking around me, I could sense its presence in the air. It's difficult to explain it and put it into words. It was a close call, but Jesus, the Giver of Life, chose to show me grace and give me life!
It wasn't a normal hit, I was certain about it since day one! Yes, it was Jaundice on the papers but the way it came, it wasn't like other diseases, it wasn't normal! So I kept praying for a revelation and later the cause was revealed in the light and God helped me raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies!

Now, nobody would ever want their final score to be 42.66% in the finals of the 12th board examination. It's like having a score of 2.1 GPA on a grading scale of 5! But, it's not the question of what would Joshua do with a such low score, but it's about how did he even get these scores! For an individual who studied nothing and didn't want to appear for the exam in the first place – It's indeed a miracle! The score is of course nothing and won't get him anywhere, but he still had one spot reserved, just for him in a college, where he wished to pursue Bachelors in Science!

“If anything in my life goes smoothly and I achieve things easily – That in itself would be a greater moment than Barca's 6-1 comeback against PSG in the 2nd leg of the 2017 UCL Quarter Finals! (Laughs)

Just because his family couldn't afford the college fee, which was around 10,000 rupees, he had to drop out, hoping that maybe he can enrol the following year!

A couple of months down the road, the same year – 2013, Joshua got an opportunity to be at a place, where an individual of his age and with his qualification, can never be but as it is said, “God doesn't call the Qualified but He Qualifies the called.”

There was a walk-in interview and on successfully clearing the interview, the candidates would then be given intensive training the opportunity up for grabs was quite huge and Joshua took a wild shot! He went in, cleared the interview, completed the training and then was appointed as an Emirates Ground Staff at Mumbai International Airport (CSIA) under Livwell Aviation Services (December 20th, 2013).

“To get a job, at such a place, at such an age (17) is huge! I was willing to do the time and ready to have a fresh beginning and in fact, I was actually feeling much relieved thinking – ‘Finally! A rest from all the tests!’ But little did I know that "Warriors aren't trained to retire!"

Now six weeks later after getting his first job, came the ultimatum!

Not to mention, it is indeed the hand of God that he is alive today to narrate and pen this segment “I'M A MIRACLE OF GOD with seven fingers”

“Even if I lose it all in life or life in itself, I would still trust and rely on God's love and faithfulness without doubting or being anxious” – If this is not the definition of your faith, then it's high time for you to examine your faith in God and the depth of its roots in His promises.

On the night of January 31st 2014, while going to work, Joshua met with an incident which changed the course of his life.

Joshua was on the way to work. He reached the train station but he couldn't board the train successfully! He slipped while boarding the train, and the train was on the move! In a state of shock, he held onto the door handles! The train dragged him a few metres through the station platform and as soon as he left his hand off, he slipped through the gap and went under the train. The train ran over him but didn't go through him! It's difficult to comprehend this incident but again, miracles can't be explained using our senses, logic and reasoning!

“I'm glad to put all of this in one small paragraph but what I felt that night is indescribable!”

Joshua was lying down on the tracks with blood all over his white zipper. He was screaming out for help as he couldn't pick himself up or even sit upright! The crowd gathered around him to watch the show and after he pleaded to call the railway police, they informed the police and only then he was lifted off from the rail tracks and laid on the floor of the train station!

“Now from here on, started a journey that cannot be understood from a human perspective but only through a total trust on God's faithfulness, which gave me this unending hope and constant assurance that ‘... Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me... ’ - (Psalms 23:4)”

The tests and surgery must be done immediately in cases as severe as this, but due to medical negligence, it was all done with a significant delay! And so, as soon as the MRI reports were out, Joshua underwent his first surgery. It can fairly be said that neurosurgeons and specialists did their best to fix his spine and the spinal cord, but not everything can be fixed, as Joshua suffered D12 - L1 (COMPLETE SCI). Though that spinal implant very much fixed his spine to be in place and strengthens him to sit upright, there was nothing anyone could do in regard to the spinal cord which was severely damaged!

Now, since the day Joshua was moved into the private hospital, his left hand, which was totally wasted, was being treated and dressed by the doctors and nurses! Around 4 weeks after the first surgery, Joshua underwent a second surgery as the senior doctor recommended that Joshua's left hand now in a better state to get a skin graft surgery!

In March 2014, Joshua was taken in for surgery, This is the moment or an event if you can call it that - which brought massive changes and transformation into his life in terms of thought life, vision for life, etc, which shaped his faith so well that it's like that house from one of Jesus' parables which were built on a rock!

On March 10, 2014

Joshua was taken to the surgery room for a skin graft surgery for his left hand and as everyone was preparing for it, Joshua was lying there on the table. All of a sudden, for around 2 minutes, there was absolute chaos! In that 2 minutes Joshua saw what no one else in that room did!

I still remember very clearly, I was lying on the surgery table and everyone was busy preparing to fix my hand. I was so fascinated by all the things they were doing in preparation as I've only got glimpses of it in movies! I was lying there, observing everything and suddenly my eyes closed. It was all in an instant, like a blink of an eye! My heart stopped beating, my body turned cold and I wasn't responding to anything! It was in that moment - I was standing in the open air and I was looking upward. I saw the sky split open and I saw Jesus standing up on the throne and I saw elders on either side. My lips couldn't utter a word, I was in reverend awe! Then Jesus said to me - "Remain in Me & everything will be possible for you". As soon as these words hit my ears, I came back to the room where I was lying down! I was so in awe that I began to tell everyone in the room what happened and nobody could understand or believe it! The medical team thought that the medical doses or anaesthesia is taking a toll on my brain! How foolish!!
Also to note that this word from Jesus - "Remain in Me & everything will be possible for you" came a month after the doctors stated that there are zero chances of recovery or progress rate and that I will always be in this state of disability! So what Jesus said to me meant so much, knowing that my Saviour has greater plans for me and it's beyond human comprehension.

This moment, of being face to face with Jesus was just the second time for Joshua but this moment came in a very very important season of his life.

People can be inspired by deep quotes and philosophical thoughts, but if anyone wants to pass from death to life and be fully inspired to live again, only Jesus can do it, for He indeed is the resurrection and life! Being 90% physically disabled, but Jesus saying that everything will be possible is truly beyond human comprehension! It is fair to say that all God is calling us to do is "Remain in Him" i.e., "Obedience" and the rest of the work is done by His Spirit and not by our power or might!

Now 6-7 months after this beautiful vision, Joshua was struggling mentally and emotionally and questioning the purpose of his life!

It was quite a difficult moment for me. Unable to do basic activities on my own such as getting up, sitting upright, switching positions while sleeping, sitting up with legs folded, kneeling, etc. It was truly uncomfortable and frustrating initially that I'm unable to feel or sense and control anything below my waist! I was stuck and confused, thinking what am I going to do next? and I can't get up on my own, move on my own, or do things on my own! I was trying to make sense of it all, though none of it was making any sense to me! And during this time, I began praying and asking the Lord to help me understand the purpose of my life! I wasn't questioning why did this happen to me, but what was next? Now, Jesus himself appeared to me, and so the question "why" was irrelevant at this point. And so, I kept praying for weeks, asking God to help me understand the purpose of my life, with all that's left in me- which is simply brokenness and helplessness! It was in that period of seeking the purpose of my life, God spoke to me. At first, He showed me a vision, and then He told me, "You still have eyes to see, ears to hear, a heart to feel, a mind to think and hands to hold." It was as simple as that! What I saw was a helpless state of being & it was different from what God could see in me!

Now this word from God helped Joshua to step on the water, unknown and strange and from here on, began a journey which proved yet again that "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called..!"

Amidst all these intense moments, there was a brief journey which was absolutely beautiful and healthy in every sense. This brief journey didn't end as expected but it was indeed something that Joshua would never forget!

We all have faced different losses in our life but losing someone whom we love hits us harder. It remains with us forever! At times, becoming our strength and at times gives us that overwhelming feeling, taking most of our strength, and leaving us confused about the state we are in!

A couple of weeks after the train incident, Joshua met a lady and it's fair to say that their journey ended before it started and that’s what this brief journey is all about.

This lady never met Joshua before or even knew him, but right after the train incident (while he was still in the ICU) she had a vision, where Jesus spoke to her saying, ‘A boy named Joshua is in the hospital and you must go and meet him’. But she didn’t know how or where! She kept praying for more specific signs and information to be able to connect and it was during that period, she found Joshua's name and number along with a prayer request in her church, the following Sunday.

Now, how did his name and request show up in her church? - One of Joshua’s friend, use to go to the same church as the lady, and the friend happened to share his prayer request at the church.

Sometimes we consider some things to be simplistic or don’t even bother to understand their importance of it as it all looks to be normal. But thing’s are not always as it seems. The occurrence of tiny little things is all a part of God’s great grand plan. And once it is said and done, we understand why every piece of life was arranged in a specific manner. Now this is the work of the Lord! We can simply trust him even when we got ‘nothing’ and we are heading ‘nowhere’. And it is said well that "Our limited mind cannot comprehend an unlimited God". So, all we can and must do is, “Trust Him”.

So, after getting the details, the lady came to meet Joshua at the hospital And that was the beginning of a beautiful ‘short’ story! They met in March 2014. They had a blessed fellowship up until August 2014. She was 58 years old and was full of wisdom and love. In those 6 months, she taught him life lessons and helped him to understand things further through a Christian perspective and grow spiritually!

Ever thought, "Why do we meet some people, when the end is always going to be sadistic?" The answer to this question is simple - "Wait for the picture to complete. Do not make guesses while the puzzle is being solved."

Now sometime in September, Joshua was told that the lady is sick and she has been taken to the hospital. The frequency of phone calls and text messages was declined, let alone face-to-face meetings! The next few weeks, were intense, He struggled and tried hard to reach her. But all he was told was that she is okay and that she needs rest. Later in the month of October, He was informed that she was suffering from Ovarian Cancer. 6 months flashed before his eyes! The gatherings they had, singing with her, praying with her, gifts she got him, the cards she sent with a note for him, the singing monkey doll, the promises they made to each other! The sunshine moments were overshadowed by the dark clouds! He could not meet her ever again! It was said that during the final stages, she used to suck the water out of cotton balls dipped in water, when she used to be thirsty, just because she was unable to swallow things!

Joshua was told, nobody is allowed to meet her, as she has been isolated because of her extreme condition! And in January 2015, a few days after his 19th birthday, Joshua received a phone call, saying, "she is no more".

"Tell him, I love him and to never give up. He will walk one day. I love him!", were her words before she left!

"Her presence was my present when she was still here. Now that she is gone, her presents became the real deal. Those six months will always be special to me. It keeps me going at times. The things she taught, the things she did were so real and pure. True Love! I do remember her every time the song by Phil Wickham - 'You're Beautiful' is being played. It used to be her favourite song. It is difficult sometimes, to recall, and know that she is not around. But life is a race. She was a part of mine, and I was a part of hers. She kept her faith. She finished her race. But mine is still on. I need to focus and perform well and that's how I can pay my love & respect to her. God sent her into my life, I know and I believe that!"

It is never easy when people leave us, even though, sometimes it is temporary. The ones who have had permanent losses know the importance of the presence of every individual in their life. Distance is of zero importance in the Christian life, but fellowship is the key. A thing that is vital and should never be ignored or pushed away. Everyone is supposed to be where they are in your life. Some people appear during the storm and some during the sunshine! Everyone has a purpose, and it is true that some people do have a devious mind and walk in to steal something from you! But that should not be the reason for you to stop living! Good or bad, love or harm - Nobody should be the reason for you to stay stuck in time and force you to stop living. People walk in, people walk out, and only you remain, but not forever! And which is why, you must live and not simply exist!

So I'd say - keep moving, wrap things in love that are good, that will be required in your journey. Fold the good memories, and thoughts and place them nicely into the suitcase of life. Take the perfumes of lessons learnt from every situation and spray it all over you, regularly. Remember the rules of your creator while you walk this journey of life. Do not stay stuck in time. But move on, until it's time to ring the church bell! Things you lose here are important but of least importance as compared to your soul!

Before we continue exploring Joshua's life after the train accident and trace his journey year by year, let's take a moment to consider the names that define him – Joshua and Yehoshua.

You might be wondering, which one is it? Joshua or Yehoshua? This is a question that often comes his way, and there's a story behind how he came to be known by both names – Joshua and Yehoshua.

His official name is Joshua – the name his parents gave him at birth. But what about "Yehoshua"? You might wonder. There's a story behind this name and the beginning of his journey as a songwriter.

After the train accident, Joshua found comfort in music, particularly in the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) genre. As time passed, his playlist expanded rapidly, with many songs from an artist named Chris Tomlin.

In 2015, Joshua discovered his gift for writing. Inspired by Chris Tomlin, he wrote his first song, a Christmas piece titled "Light." In early 2016, a friend introduced him to Ed Sheeran’s song "Photograph." Influenced by both artists, Joshua continued to develop his songwriting skills, crafting more songs along the way.

On July 16, 2023, Joshua reached a milestone by penning his 50th song, "Iris."

I realised early on that if I wanted to grow as a songwriter, I had to take the initiative myself. I needed someone to guide me, but it quickly became clear that nobody was going to. So, I began studying the work of two artists closely – Chris Tomlin and Ed Sheeran. They don't know me yet, but I can proudly say that I've learned an incredible amount from both of them. Through their music, I’ve grasped the essentials of structuring a song, writing different sections, deciding the musical and lyrical flow based on the nature of the lyrics, and being authentic. I’ve learned when to be raw with my words and when to use metaphors, how to collaborate with others, performance techniques, vocal dynamics, and so much more. If I were to describe my songwriting style, I'd say it's a hybrid mix of Chris and Ed.

It’s been nearly a decade now, and I’m grateful I chose this path to become a songwriter. I just hope that one day, I’ll get the chance to write songs for both Chris and Ed!

Chris in 2014 and Ed in 2016 – discovering these two artists and choosing them as guides for his songwriting journey didn’t just change the trajectory of Joshua’s career; it also shaped him as a songwriter. One significant transformation was his name.

As he followed their work closely, Joshua began learning more about their careers and early lives. One day, he stumbled upon a fascinating detail that left him astonished – Chris Tomlin’s full name is Christopher Dwyane Tomlin, and Ed Sheeran’s full name is Edward Christopher Sheeran! This discovery led him to the concept of a “stage name.” Further reading revealed that many artists and actors use stage names, much like a pseudonym.

Although Chris and Ed use their real names rather than traditional stage names, Joshua’s curiosity was piqued. He started exploring more about other artists and actors, discovering that many of them do, in fact, have stage names; for example, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, famously known as Lady Gaga.

All of this fascinated him, so guess what he decided to do next? That's right – he set out to choose a stage name for himself! Not just any name, but one that is powerful and single-word, like Adele, Rihanna, Eminem, or Drake.

However, since the concept of a "stage name" isn’t mentioned in the Bible and Joshua seeks guidance from scripture, he prayed for God’s help in choosing a fitting stage name. It was through this process that he felt God impress upon his heart that the name "Joshua" was given to him with a purpose, and thus, he should not change it.

I’m certain that God was watching over me all the while and was attuned to my thoughts because He graciously sparked an idea in my mind – Why don’t I use the Hebrew term for my name, Joshua, as my stage name? After all, the name Joshua originally comes from the Hebrew name 'Yehoshua,' where 'Yeho' means God and 'Shua' means Delivers. My name is powerful, as it carries the testimony that God delivers, and it’s just one word – exactly what I desired! And so, I decided to use Yehoshua as my artist and authorship name.

As each year passed, the more he shared his music and blogs, the more people came to know him by the name – Yehoshua!

Well, both names are the same, and they mean the same thing! Joshua is his birth name, while Yehoshua is his stage and authorship name. You can address him by either name, and it wouldn’t make much of a difference in person. However, when searching for his blogs, music, preaching, teaching, or website, you'll need to be a bit more specific online. Keywords are crucial for SEO and the internet in general! So, to put it simply – Joshua is for home, Yehoshua is for work.

Whether you call me Joshua or Yehoshua, you’re actually proclaiming 'God-delivers' – whether you realise it or not! (smiles)

This Section To Be Updated on September 15th, 2024

This Section To Be Updated on October 15th, 2024

This Section To Be Updated on November 15th, 2024



Mithinga Basumatary
Mithinga Basumatary
Jan 30

It's a really interesting and inspiring testimony.

Faith in the Jesus is the only way to prosper every obstacles in our life.

May God stays with you and guide you all the time.


Aug 02, 2023

As the song of Mandisa.. 'Unfinished' says, "He's started something good and m gonna believe it. He's started something good and He's gonna complete it... I'm just unfinished"... This song says it all what I want to say.


Rachel Francis
Rachel Francis
Nov 15, 2022

Simply amazing Joshua, Jesus loves you so much and that is so evident. I pray you keep growing in your fait and keep inspiring others. I am so proud of you.

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