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  • Writer's pictureYehoshua


Updated: Aug 2

Artwork created by 4Drachma

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Back in October 2019, I went to perform at an open mic event hosted by "The Last Man Standing" & "English Literary Association of V.G Vaze College". After the event I was heading back home, when my friend mentioned that there's a cottage prayer meeting at a church member's house & so I decided to attend it As most of you may know that during the train incident my spine was crushed resulting in multiple fractures & now I have a spinal implant, which allows me to sit upright but its has its own limitations. Somedays I can sit for more than 6 hours & feel nothing, but somedays my spine doesn't even hold up for 5 minutes. And as we were nearing the location where the prayer was held, my condition grew worse. My spine was in no state to hold up me straight. I had to transfer myself to a bed immediately to relieve the pressure off the spinal implant, but as soon as we reached, it just about time for the meeting to begin! I was physically in the room but totally absent in every other sense; As the speaker that evening was speaking, I took a paper from my bible & thought of taking notes but the pain was on the rise & out of all this mess, rose a song! Instead of taking notes, I started penning what I was going through & my desire with a prayer. And it so happened that after writing some 10-15 lines, everything came to a sudden halt. My strength was renewed & I didn't feel any discomfort or pain. It was like the song from my heart knocked the doors of heaven & Jesus himself heard my song, opened the doors & held me in His loving embrace. I was as fresh as the morning dew! Now that paper on which I wrote those lines was still in my bible. As I was shortlisting the songs that should be on the album, I was reminded by the Spirit of God about that note! I quickly picked up the note, prayerfully worked on it, adding a couple more parts & finished the final draft last month.

"Freeman" is the last song that was added to album but the first one to be released off the album.

I'm very much excited for this New Year's Eve when the song comes out & I hope to sing this song with utmost joy, testifying that, "Jesus has helped me live my life like a freeman!".


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