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  • Writer's pictureYehoshua

Genesis 29:20

Updated: Aug 2

I was reading through the Genesis 29, and as always, I stumbled upon a verse! This time it wasn't theology or doctrine, but a statement that literally made me pause and think for a while. It was worth pondering upon!

It's the 20th verse, which reads –

“So Jacob served [Laban] for seven years for [the right to marry] Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.” — Gen 29:20 [AMP]

Now, we can view this verse in different ways, and the most common view is the romantic and intimate side of it – which is the second half of the verse – “... but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.”

But, as I kept reading it over & over again, the Spirit of God, took me under the surface.

At first, the verse began dissecting itself & then it became personal.

Now do note –

It was supposed to be 7 years, but Jacob ended up serving Laban for 20 years (Genesis 31:38), out of which, 14 years were for Rachel (Genesis 29:27).

Now here's the WORD (something I want you to think about) —


Jacob so loved Rachel & Jacob was so focused on Rachel, that the years of waiting seemed like few days to him & all hardships as a servant, meant nothing to him.


Are you too, so focused & so in love with Jesus that,

- Forgiving seems easier?

- Hardships seems pleasurable?

- Failure seems encouraging?

- Insults are loved?

- New beginnings are calming?

- Unknown roads seem comforting?

- Rejections are considered a blessing?

- Burdens feel lighter?

- Ignorance doesn't bother?

- Waiting feels hopeful?

- Night looks brighter?

Are you so focused and so in love with Jesus that,

- Nothing matters to you but your relationship with Jesus - The only one who willingly suffered and willingly died on the cross, all on your behalf, all for you?

Are you so focused and so in love with Jesus?

Are you?




Think through,

Act now,

Live afresh.


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