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  • Writer's pictureYehoshua

Psalm 1:1-2

Updated: Aug 2

Psalm 1:1 & The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) – Both starts with Benediction – “Blessed is the man.. / Blessed are those..”

Now the important thing to know about benediction, is that – It's not a command!

It doesn't say "Blessed you will be, if you don't walk in the counsel of ungodly..” OR “Blessed you will be, if you mourn”

There are no ifs, because these benedictions aren't clauses or command, but a Kingdom Culture! Meaning – Men & women, heirs of the kingdom, will not be a part of wickedness or journey alongside sin-lovers and God is calling such heirs, such men & women, "BLESSED"

Besides, Psalm 1:1 also acts as a reminder! It reminds us, those who are living the kingdom culture, that we are favored by God. “We are BLESSED!"

Now do note that Psalm 1:1 & Psalm 1:2 is connected by a conjunction "BUT", which means, the Psalm 1:1 and Psalm 1:2 is to be read, memorised, taught or preached as one unit!

Psalm 1:1, in part, shows us what a kingdom heir practices, but Psalm 1:2 shows us what a kingdom heir is passionate about!

It's one thing to like something & a whole different thing to love something!

And here in Psalm 1:2 we get to see what a kingdom heir is passionate about! Yes, the godly men & women do not follow, promote, practice and enjoy wickedness & that's who they are, "BUT" that's not where their passion lies!

The Word of God says that "The laws & instructions of God is their delight". It's the Word of God, they are passionate about & nothing else! And then Psalm 1:2 goes on to say – “.. they meditate upon it day and night", meaning - that they study, reflect & have their hearts & minds fixed upon the Word of God, all the time!

By now, it's very clear, why the Psalmist, in the following verse, states that such individuals are “FIRMLY" planted & their life DON'T WITHER and that the Lord knows their ways and they prosper!

Why won't they?! These individuals have their hearts and minds, thoroughly fixed on the WORD & it's where they live and so, there's no plan, no dream, no desire they bear, that's not in accordance to the WORD of God and so, there's no possibility that they be distracted or attracted by WORLD!



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